Commands ======== The ``stf`` script installed as part of this project makes available a number of commands. For full details, the usage page is the definitive resource: .. code-block:: console $ stf -h usage: stf [-h] [--version] [-v] [--docker-image image] [--release {3.x,4.x}] [--docker-image-dont-pull] [--docker-network network] [--sdc-resources-directory dir] [--testframework-config-directory dir] [--env-var var] [--streamsets-sdk-directory dir] [--testframework-directory dir] {test,benchmark,shell,build,stub,start,info} ... positional arguments: {benchmark,build,info,shell,start,stub,test} Test Framework subcommands benchmark Run performance metrics build Build STF Docker images info Sub-system info shell Open a shell within the STF container start Start a sub-system stub Generate a Test Stub test Run STF tests optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --version show program's version number and exit -v, --verbose Be noisier (default: False) --docker-image image Docker image to use for the STF container (default: None) --release {3.x,4.x} Release version to use the appropriate STF image (default: None) --docker-image-dont-pull Don't pull STF Docker image (default: False) --docker-network network Docker network to which to attach the STF container (default: cluster) --sdc-resources-directory dir A directory containing resources to mount into the SDC container (default: None) --testframework-config-directory dir A directory containing STF configuration files to mount into the STF container (default: /Users/username/.streamsets/testframework) --env-var var One or more environment variables to set. Retrieves host environment variable(s) as given by this argument unless the value is passed with "=", in which case it is used as environment variable value (default: None) advanced arguments: Stuff for StreamSets devs, mostly --streamsets-sdk-directory dir Path to the an `sdk` folder containing source code of the StreamSets SDK for Python (default: None) --testframework-directory dir A testframework directory to mount into the STF container (for use when making STF changes that don't require a rebuild of the image) (default: None) Run 'stf -h' for more information on a specific subcommand. ``stf test`` ------------ Tests are executed by ``cd``-ing into a directory containing the test source and then running the ``stf test`` command. Any arguments after ``test`` are passed into the Test Framework container as arguments to an invocation of the ``pytest`` command. ``stf shell`` ------------- To get an interactive shell within the Test Framework environment, run ``stf shell``. This command is particularly useful during the test development process, where a user may want to explore the ``streamsets.testframework`` package from an interpreter. ``stf build`` ------------- StreamSets publishes Docker images of StreamSets Data Collector and Data Collector stage libraries to Docker Hub. There are a number of images, however, which we are not allowed to distribute because of the terms of the underlying binaries' EULA. ``stf build`` is the command to use to create these images locally. ``stf start`` ------------- The ``stf start`` command leverages the Docker orchestration capabilities of the StreamSets Test Framework to start StreamSets Data Collector. As an example, to start version ``5.1.0`` of StreamSets Data Collector with the AWS and JDBC stage libraries preinstalled and bind it to an SCH, you could run .. raw:: html

    $ stf start sdc --version 5.1.0 --stage-lib aws jdbc --aster-server-url $ASTER_SERVER_URL --sch-credential-id $CRED_ID --sch-token $CRED_TOKEN
    2022-08-09 04:17:24 PM [INFO] [streamsets.testframework.cli] Pulling Docker image streamsets/testframework-4.x:latest ...
    2022-08-09 04:19:35 PM [INFO] [streamsets.testframework.sdc] Starting StreamSets Data Collector 5.1.0 container ...
    2022-08-09 04:19:51 PM [INFO] [streamsets.testframework.sdc] SDC 5.1.0 (git:8225991372db2da5c962d0e0d5f0b83436995e4f) is now running. SDC container (nwsrxuhn.cluster:18630) can be followed along on 
    2022-08-09 04:19:51 PM [INFO] [streamsets.testframework.sdc] SDC info file available at /Users/username/.streamsets/testframework/datacollector_system_info.json
    2022-08-09 04:19:51 PM [INFO] [streamsets.testframework.sdc] SDC ID: 
``ASTER_SERVER_URL`` is the page used to log into your SCH instance, and ``CRED_ID`` and ``CRED_TOKEN`` are the API Credentials obtained in the Manage > API Credentials section of the SCH.