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Snowflake Key Pair Authentication: A How-To Article

Kavya Nagarajan
By Posted in Data Integration April 13, 2022

It’s no secret that security is top of mind for every business executive and technology leader today. This is one of the most common topics in my calls with new users as a Trial Success Engineer, and with the rising popularity of Snowflake in the StreamSets customer base, I thought it would be useful to cover one of the most common and straightforward approaches: Snowflake key pair authentication.

How to Authenticate StreamSets with Snowflake: Using SSO for Snowflake Key Pair Authentication

Key pair authentication can provide an added layer of security to basic authentication (ie. username and password) and multi-factor authentication when accessing your Snowflake warehouse. It is the approach for accessing your Snowflake environment that is configured for Single Sign On. 

Why use Snowflake key pair authentication with StreamSets or other data integration providers?

Key pair authentication essentially assigns asymmetric public and private keys to a user. You can assign the public key you generate to your Snowflake user. Then, when establishing a connection to your Snowflake table within your StreamSets pipeline, you will be able to configure the private key associated with that public key and establish a connection to Snowflake. Your private key will only live in your local directory, making this a much more secure method of protecting your data.

Setting this up is easy and straightforward in 5 simple steps. I’ve included the relevant information from Snowflake documentation and added the final step necessary for StreamSets Data Collector as well as StreamSets Transformer for Snowflake, built on Snowpark. 

StreamSets Data Collector enables you to easily connect to many enterprise data sources and easily ingest the data into Snowflake. StreamSets Transformer for Snowflake allows you to design simple to complex data transformation pipelines that are then run natively in Snowflake. The two services are decoupled allowing you to run enterprise grade ELT processes.

Step 1: Create Private Key

Open a Terminal window and enter the below command. Depending on what your security and governance requirements are, you can generate either an encrypted or unencrypted key. If you are unsure of what security guidelines are, in general, it is safer to use an encrypted key.

For an encrypted key, use the following command:

$ openssl genrsa 2048 | openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -out rsa_key.p8}

You will be asked to enter a passphrase. Save it in a note or write it down somewhere; just make sure you don’t forget it! You will need it later. For an unencrypted key, simply add ‘-nocrypt’ at the end of the same command.

Step 2: Create Public Key

Enter the following command in your Terminal window:

{$ openssl rsa -in rsa_key.p8 -pubout -out}

* Note: If you are using a JDBC Driver, you may get an Object Identifier or Invalid Key error. If you do run into this, follow the steps in this article.

Step 3: Store Private and Public Keys Securely

Make sure you know where your keys are stored, because you will need the file path later. The private key is stored and encrypted using the passphrase you specified in step 1. They will look like what is shown below.






-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

Step 4: Set your Public Key to your Snowflake User

You must be in an ACCOUNTADMIN role to make edits to a user. You can view what role you have in the top right corner under your name. If you have the rights, it’s possible you can change your role by entering the following command in your worksheet or by clicking on the user setting bar in the top right corner of your worksheet, which looks like this:

snowflake key pair authentication

use role accountadmin;

Then enter the following command in your worksheet to assign the public key you created in step 1 to your Snowflake user.

alter user <your_username> set rsa_public_key='MIIBIjANBgkqh...';

Note: If you do not have or can not get admin rights with the above command, it’s likely you do not have the permissions you need. Please reach out to the Admin of your Snowflake account to request the access you need.

Step 5a: Configure your Snowflake Destination: StreamSets Data Collector Ingestion Pipeline

In your Snowflake destination, click on the tab labeled “Snowflake Connection Info” in the Properties panel. 

You will need to configure two Keys- one called “private_key_file” with the value as the file path to where your private key is saved locally, and the other called “private_key_file_pwd” with the passphrase you set when you created the key in Step 1 as the value. See example below.


Step 5b: Configure your Snowflake Destination: StreamSets Transformer for Snowflake Transformation Pipeline

In the upper right corner of your StreamSets profile, click on the person icon and a dropdown menu will appear. Click on “My Account” which will take you to your account settings.


Once inside your account settings, navigate to “Snowflake Settings.” This is where you will enter in your Snowflake account information–on the right hand side, your warehouse details, and on the left, your credentials.


Click on the dropdown for the Authentication method, and you will see the option for Private Key. Here you will need to enter your actual private key, not the file path.


We’re Here to Help with Snowflake Key Pair Authentication

That’s all it takes to implement Snowflake key pair authentication in StreamSets. We are always here to help you get to success with StreamSets. If you are new to StreamSets and trying us out with Snowflake (or another use case), feel free to reach out and we’ll be glad to help. You can even book time directly with me or another Trial Success Engineer directly in the application.



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