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StreamSets Control Hub

Build, run, monitor, and manage smart data pipelines at scale

Managing Data for Digital Transformation

With digital transformation comes complexity: diverse sources and destinations, multiple platforms, and evolving business demands. StreamSets Control Hub, the central nervous system of the StreamSets Platform, gives you a real-time, end-to-end console to operate all your data pipelines across your enterprise.

Build and run streaming, CDC, batch, ETL and ML data pipelines

Collaborate with shared templates and components, and built-in version control

Gain global operational visibility and control everywhere pipelines run

Screenshot: Design, deploy, monitor, and manage smart data pipelines at scale

Awards and Recognition

Top 50 IT Infrastructure Products G2 Badge

Operationalize Your Data Pipeline Lifecycle

Monitor data pipelines in one place

Mission Control for Hybrid and Multi-cloud

Scale to thousands of data pipelines with visibility and control. Control Hub centralizes building, running, monitoring and management, so any size team can collaborate across all lifecycle stages, all design patterns, and all engines. Reuse pipeline assets to scale new data connections and pipeline patterns across your business without special skills.

Watch: DataOps in Practice – Designing for Change

Smart Data Pipelines Built for Change

The most vulnerable points in a modern data architecture are the thousands of integrations that make modern analytics possible. Only StreamSets Control Hub is designed to provide transparency into that complexity through live data maps, powered by fully instrumented pipelines. See how your data is flowing in real time and automatically detect and handle data drift.

Watch: Modern Data Integration Using Data Collector
Monitor data pipelines at scale
Build data pipelines for data drift

Single Design Experience for All Patterns

Deliver on the promise of DataOps in the cloud with a fully managed data integration platform for all your data pipeline needs. A single design canvas for building and running all pipeline patterns reduces the time to design and deploy smart data pipelines by 90%.

Watch: DataOps in Practice – Designing for Change

Data Engineers Gain Efficiencies With StreamSets


"The best feature of StreamSets is its intuitive visual interface, allowing us to effortlessly design, monitor, and manage data pipelines without the need for complex coding. This has significantly reduced our development time and made the process highly accessible to both technical and non-technical team members."

See full Review on G2

Mili M., Senior System Analyst
Mid-Market, (51-1000 emp.)


"StreamSets has lot of out of box features to use for data pipelines and connect AWS Kinesis, DB or Kafka and send to HDFS & Hive."

Read full review on G2

Sanath V.
Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Control Hub in StreamSets?

StreamSets Control Hub is a single hub for building, running, monitoring, and managing all your data pipelines and data processing jobs. As the center of the StreamSets Platform, Control Hub lets your entire extended team collaborate on data pipelines running on Data Collector and Transformer, and gives you a real-time, end-to-end view of all data pipelines across your enterprise. It also manages, monitors and scales the StreamSets engines such as Data Collector and Transformer to optimize your overall data integration environment. Finally, Control Hub also provides full transparency and control of all data pipelines and execution engines across your entire hybrid/multi-cloud architecture in one single hub.

Is StreamSets Control Hub free?

StreamSets Control Hub is part of your paid subscription to StreamSets data integration platform. While it is not free, it is included in the overall platform.

How do you monitor data pipelines?

Pipelines are monitored across two dashboards: Alerts and Topologies. The Alerts dashboard provides a summary of triggered alerts, jobs with errors, offline execution engines, and unhealthy engines that have exceeded their resource thresholds. This dashboard view is used to monitor and troubleshoot jobs. The Topologies Dashboard provides a summary of the number of pipelines, jobs, topologies, and execution engines that you have access to. The Topologies Dashboard was previously named the Default Dashboard.

Helpful Resources

Lifting the Lid on the Hidden Data Integration Problem

Under-resourced technical teams struggle to keep up with business requests for data without ceding control, while business teams must have their data on demand to stay competitive. See solutions that reduce frustrations.
Whitepapers & Ebooks

The Five Stages of Building an Agile Data Infrastructure for Enterprise Reporting


Future Proofing Your Data Pipelines

Learn what a data pipeline is and why it is important, current and emerging trends in pipelines supporting data and analytics, and steps to future-proof your data pipelines.

Ready to Get Started?

We’re here to help you start building pipelines or see the platform in action.

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