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Customer Story

TechBridge: Lifting Communities by Enabling Data Sharing

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“StreamSets and Snowflake are utilized to enable data sharing and care coordination across 5 counties and 24 nonprofits and school systems in middle Tennessee.”
Karen Cramer, Chief Community Impact Officer


People Served


Families housed


Families prevented from homelessness

Care Coordination Requires Data Sharing

TechBridge is a national nonprofit, headquartered in Atlanta, with a mission of breaking the cycle of generational poverty through the innovative use of technology to transform nonprofit and community impact. One nonprofit they support with technology, the United Way of Greater Nashville’s Family Collective, serves families across 5 counties and 24 nonprofits. The data gathered across this ecosystem can determine predictable pathways out of poverty and homelessness. But changes in data across sources inhibited data sharing more broadly between groups and stakeholders. By implementing StreamSets and Snowflake, each partner was able to utilize their own client management system and aggregate accurate data in the United Way’s main Salesforce instance so they can understand what families are receiving programs and services and the outcomes achieved.

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