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Use StreamSets Dynamic Engine Deployment to Reduce Public Cloud Infrastructure Costs

By Posted in Data Integration November 2, 2022

One of the most exciting new capabilities of StreamSets DataOps Platform is its ability to dynamically provision Public Cloud VMs running Data Collector or Transformer for Spark engines. 

Public cloud VMs running StreamSets engines can be deployed “just in time” to run jobs, and can be automatically torn down once those jobs complete. This technique can significantly reduce public cloud infrastructure costs as compared to deploying static, long-running VMs hosting StreamSets engines that are not fully utilized.

This blog post provides a dynamic provisioning example on AWS. We’ll use the StreamSets DataOps Platform SDK for Python to automate the process. This example could easily be ported to run on Azure or GCP with only a few minor changes.

Overview of the Dynamic Engine Deployment Process

Let me start by explaining the dynamic engine deployment process before I go into how you can run a script to implement it. Here’s an overview of what happens:

  • A DataOps Platform Amazon EC2 Deployment is created and started. Its configuration specifies a single instance of Data Collector with a custom set of stage libraries and a unique engine Label.
  • The process waits until the newly deployed Data Collector instance registers with DataOps Platform with the expected label.
  • Once the new engine has registered with DataOps Platform, a job is configured and started. The job is assigned the same label as the engine that was just deployed to cause the job to run on that engine.
  • The process waits until the job transitions to an Active Status and then waits for the job to complete.
  • Once the job has completed, the process stops and deletes the deployment, which tears down the StreamSets Engine and the EC2 instance.

Monitoring a Dynamic Engine Deployment Process

While a dynamic engine deployment process is running, one can follow its progress in the StreamSets UI. For example, here we can see a deployment has been created and is in an Activating state:

dynamic engine deployment activating state

The deployment’s details page provides a link to the underlying AWS Cloud Formation Template that is spinning up the AWS Autoscaling Group and EC2 Instance for the engine:

deployment details page

When the AWS deployment is complete, its status in Control Hub will transition to Active:

control hub transitioned to active status

Shortly after the deployment transitions to an Active state, the engine should register with Control Hub, with the specified label:

engine registers with control hub labelOnce the engine has registered, the job should start and transition to an Active state:

job state and transition to active state

Once the job completes, the deployment should transition to a Deactivating state:

deployment deactivated state

Once the deployment is in a  Deactivated state, the engine will be deleted from the Control Hub’s engine list, and the deployment will be deleted from the Control Hub’s deployment list.

Job History

Job metrics and run history are saved by Control Hub even though the deployment and engine have been deleted:

control hub job history


run history

Now, Here’s How You Run the Dynamic Engine Deployment 

A Python script that automates all of the steps above using StreamSets SDK is posted here

Follow the steps below to run the script in your own environment. See the docs here and here for additional details.


These are the prerequisites required to run the example script:

  • A StreamSets DataOps Platform account with API Credentials 
  • An AWS Environment configured in your DataOps Platform in an Active state.
  • Permissions to create and start deployments and to execute jobs 
  • A Python 3.4 or higher environment to run the script
  • The StreamSets DataOps Platform SDK for Python module installed in your Python environment. See the installation instructions here
  • A StreamSets job to run on the engine.

Prepare the Script

Set values for the following variables at the top of the script. I have included some example settings from my own environment. As this is a Python script, string values should be quoted:

# CRED_ID -- Your DataOps Platform API Credential CRED_ID.  

CRED_ID = '<redacted>'

# CRED_TOKEN -- Your DataOps Platform API Credential CRED_TOKEN

CRED_TOKEN = '<redacted>'

# The ID of the Job to run

JOB_ID = '65705324-adc9-4cd2-937f-3f2cf63c7e82:8030c2e9-1a39-11ec-a5fe-97c8d4369386'

# A Label that will be used to match the Job to the ephemeral SDC Instance

LABEL = 'AWS-Ephemeral-1'

# Your AWS Environment name


# The AWS SSH Key Name to set for the EC2 instances

AWS_KEY_NAME = '<redacted>'

# AWS Deployment tags

AWS_DEPLOYMENT_TAGS = {'owner':'mark'}

# The AWS Instance Profile ARN to use for the EC2 instances

EC2_INSTANCE_PROFILE = 'arn:aws:iam::501672548510:instance-profile/146-ir'

# EC2 Instance Type

EC2_INSTANCE_TYPE = 'm4.large'

# The number of EC2 Instances to spin up


# Custom Stage Libs list. Include the stage libs your pipeline needs to run

SDC_STAGE_LIBS = ['jython_2_7', 'jdbc']

# How long to wait for the Engine Deployment to complete

MAX_WAIT_SECONDS_FOR_ENGINE_DEPLOYMENT = 60 * 5 # example for 5 minutes

# Frequency to poll Control Hub for status


# How long to wait for the Job to become Active


# How long to wait for the Job to complete

MAX_WAIT_SECONDS_FOR_JOB_TO_COMPLETE = 60 * 10 # example for 10 minutes

If your job requires input parameter values, set them on line 167 of the script like this:

job.runtime_parameters = {"PARAM_1":"aaa","PARAM_2":"bbb"}

Run the Script

Here is example console output when running the script:

$ ./

2022-10-21 12:51:09 Connecting to Control Hub

2022-10-21 12:51:11 Found AWS environment named 'aws'

2022-10-21 12:51:11 Creating AWS Deployment named 'AWS-Ephemeral-1'

2022-10-21 12:51:12 Adding Stage Libraries to the Deployment: ['jython_2_7', 'jdbc']

2022-10-21 12:51:13 Starting the AWS Deployment. This may take a couple of minutes...

2022-10-21 12:53:15 Waiting for Engine to register with Control Hub...

2022-10-21 12:53:45 Waiting for Engine to register with Control Hub...

2022-10-21 12:53:45 Engine has registered with Control Hub

2022-10-21 12:53:45 Getting Job with JOB_ID: '65705324-adc9-4cd2-937f-3f2cf63c7e82:8030c2e9-1a39-11ec-a5fe-97c8d4369386'

2022-10-21 12:53:46 Setting the Job's runtime parameters

2022-10-21 12:53:46 Setting the Job's label to 'AWS-Ephemeral-1'

2022-10-21 12:54:02 Starting Job...

2022-10-21 12:54:02 Job status is ACTIVE

2022-10-21 12:54:02 Waiting for Job to complete...

2022-10-21 12:54:02 Waiting for Job to complete...

2022-10-21 12:54:33 Waiting for Job to complete...

2022-10-21 12:55:03 Waiting for Job to complete...

2022-10-21 12:55:33 Waiting for Job to complete...

2022-10-21 12:56:03 Job completed successfully

2022-10-21 12:56:03 Job status is INACTIVE

2022-10-21 12:56:03 Stopping AWS deployment

2022-10-21 12:59:15 Deleting AWS deployment

2022-10-21 12:59:15 Done


This post shows how easy it is to use StreamSets DataOps Platform to run jobs on dynamically deployed engines, minimizing public cloud infrastructure costs. This approach is made possible by StreamSets’ cloud-native integration, elegant runtime binding between jobs and engines, and full-featured automation using the StreamSets SDK. Give it a try!  

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